

The case study involved a male participant, 27 years of age. At the time of the study the participant was unemployed and his highest level of education was a National Senior Certificate (metric). The participant was brought to the Limitless You Academy by his father who expressed concerns about his son’s general state of well being. The father saw the need for an intervention in his son’s life due to various issues, namely: lack of self-esteem and self-worth; bad habits; inability to cope with current life situation; lack of motivation and drive; difficulty sleeping; anger and aggression problems; anxiety attacks; depression; withdrawal from previously loved hobbies/interests; reduced physical activity/ sedentary lifestyle; and poor general lifestyle choices.


  • The purpose of the case study was to investigate the impact of the LYPPP neuro-agility interventions on overall well being of the participant.
  • To explore the correlations between the NAP™ and improving wellness and brain health.
  • To develop a training and development program with a strong scientific basis as well as a measurable implementation and evaluation process

Results Achieved

Results have been grouped to provide feedback within each of the three categories of assessment.To see more results on the first two catagories, please refer to the detailed study.


  • The average for the drivers influencing brain performance increased by 35% from pretest (46%) to post-test (81%) assessments, indicating overall improved brain performance following the 4-week intervention period.
    Of the skill-related fitness components, major post-intervention improvements were seen for all of the visual skills assessments as well as the coordination tests. Both major components of the brain-fitness index revealed excellent improvements in overall psychological performance and functionality. Below is a description of important psychological and related problems reported before and after the intervention training.
    Before training the client reported sleep problems. He especially had difficulty falling asleep, waking up, nightmares and Bruxism. He complained of constant fatigue, ringing in the ears and stomach pain. He also reported having a big problem with concentration and distractibility and was taking Conserta for this. There were also complaints of anger and aggression problems, risk taking behaviors and binge drinking. Mood swings, anxiety and depression was also reported.
  • Improved sleeping pattern lead to increased alertness. After the fourth neurofeedback session he reported that he was sleeping much better and did not feel as tired. The parents also reported that his mood had improved a lot and that they were able to have better conversations with him again. After session 6 he reported that he is now able to go to bed at 10 or 11 at night instead of 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning. He was also now able to sleep for 7 or 8 hours and get up refreshed and ready for the day. He was feeling more efficient and doing things around the house instead of sleeping until 10:00 or 11:00 am. By session 8 he reported that he was not using his Conserta anymore but was sleeping very well and feeling motivated and more focused. He started exploring the idea of continuing his studies again. By the end of the 15th sessions all sleep issues initially reported had resolved. He was feeling much more relaxed and focused. He wasn’t experiencing the depressive and anxious symptoms anymore. His concentration and focus was much better without the medication.
  • Relationships improved. His parents also reported that they were getting along much better.
  • Behavior improved. They also experienced a large improvement in his mood and with aggressive behaviour.

Take Aways

  • The NAP™ serves as an effective and comprehensive tool for pre and post-evaluation of wellness and brain health improvement interventions.
  • The holistic approach of the LYPPP intervention program leads to augmented brain-body balance and an enhanced state of overall well being.

Edith Tiencken

Edith Tiencken, GPHR, SHRM-SCP is the president of Smart Brain Insights and the managing partner for NeuroLink Company for USA, Canada and Latin America. She serves as an International Advisor providing people and businesses with insights, innovative strategies and tools for business growth to senior leaders, business owners and consultants. Her 25+ years of experience and passion for exploring and developing business and individual potential has driven success in cultural change, organizational learning, and in building high-performing organizations. She collaborated, led and managed organizations in the US, Latin America, Canada, Europe and Asia Pacific. Edith has been a guest and public speaker in private enterprises, educational institutions, social and professional organizations and diverse occupational groups, positively impacting thousands of professionals worldwide.